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For me it is All About Being of Service & Living the Life of the Give-Away....

Being Mindful of those who are unable to speak for themselves; our Non-Two Legged Relations and the Future Generations.

It's about walking on the Canka Luta Waste Behind the Cannunpa and the ceremonies.

It's about Mindfulness and Respect. It's about Honesty and owning up to my foibles.

It's about: Mi Takuye Oyacin

Saturday, May 30, 2009

360: Canka Luta Waste: May 7, 2007

Entry for May 07, 2007 magnify
I have spent 20+ years on this Canka Luta Waste (Good Red Road). I carry a Canunpa for the people...I have spent 20 years under the tutelage of both Wanbli Cekela (Wallace Black Elk) Lakota and Marcellus Bear Heart, Muskogee. I have been taught that these are the ways of the People...for all people.

What is shameful about wanting to know the ways of the people and the ways of Creator? What is shameful is those persons who run Inipi (sweat lodge) without the "authorization" of a FBI elder or tribal medicine elder. There is a way to do these things, Creator gave us these specific instructions. When we change them to fit our needs and beliefs, we create chaos, and invite the harmful spirits to join us.

When you follow the Canka Luta Waste...that is the way of Creator...that Canunpa is what is going to take care of you. That person sitting behind that bucket has to have integrity, and they are responsible for your life and well being while in that Inipi. For any medicine person, they run that ceremony on your behalf...they are responsible for the well being of all who attend. It's not about their personal agenda...if that happens to come up...you know they are not doing what is best for all people.

This is about "Mi Takuye Oyacin"...All My Relations...We ARE All Related. Not just us two legged, the tall standing ones (trees), the winged ones, creepy crawlies, green ones, four-legged, swimming ones, the rocks...all living beings. We are responsible for all living beings..that is the Lakota way.

We do not pray for ourselves, we pray for the next 7 generations to come. This is not our Earth to use and dispose of....we are borrowing this Earth from our future generations. It's like this, the Lakota way....

The 2-legged were given dominion over the rest of the living beings...not domination. We are here to care take the life on this Unci Maka (Mother Earth)...but we seek to destroy her through our thoughtless acts and wasteful use of resources. Mindfulness...is what the Lakota and others have tried to teach us. Greed, destruction, wastefulness...this is what is going to kill us....Wake Up people.... Be a part of the solution, stop being a part of the problem.

Red is not merely a skin color...Red is a way of life, a way of believing...a way of living, a way of walking in balance...living life for the good of ALL. We all bleed Red when we are cut open.....you want to live this life, so be it. The Canka Luta Waste is not for everyone, but it is for those who believe Mi Takuye Oyacin and live that belief.
Read the books...

* "Sacred Fireplace" Pete S. Catches
* "Black Elk Speaks" Nicholas Black Elk
* "The Sacred Pipe" Nicholas Black Elk
* "Black Elk" Wallace Black Elk
* "Fools Crow" Thomas Mails
* "Gift of Power" Archie Fire Lame Deer &
Richard Erdoes
* "Lame Deer" John Fire Lame Deer & Richard
* "The Wind is My Mother" Bear Heart
* "Crow Dog" Leonard Crow Dog
* Prison Writings" Leonard Peltier

These are the books you want to read and learn from......these are the words of the people who have walked the "give-away", who have lived and sacrificed their lives so the rest of us can live and have these ceremonies.

So it is that way....Mi Takuye Oyacin

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