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For me it is All About Being of Service & Living the Life of the Give-Away....

Being Mindful of those who are unable to speak for themselves; our Non-Two Legged Relations and the Future Generations.

It's about walking on the Canka Luta Waste Behind the Cannunpa and the ceremonies.

It's about Mindfulness and Respect. It's about Honesty and owning up to my foibles.

It's about: Mi Takuye Oyacin

Monday, June 1, 2009

Defense Against Global Warming: April 28, 2009

Defense Against Global Warming magnify
Today's New York Times features a story that may not shock you,
but should concern us all:

As far back as 1995, scientists working for the oil, auto and
gas industries were telling their bosses that human-caused
global warming could not be refuted.

But, that hasn't stopped industry lobbyists from waging a
cynical campaign to undermine the science and cloud the debate.

Read the full story:


Americans were outraged a decade ago when cigarette makers made
similar claims about the evidence linking smoking and lung
cancer. And then we discovered reams of damning research hidden
away in tobacco company vaults.

The only real difference between then and now is that global
warming stands to threaten more than just people -- millions of
species face extinction, entire ecosystems altered beyond
recognition, the natural world as we know it today irreparably

-- The Next Two Weeks Are Critical --

These revelations come at a defining moment in the fight to stop
global warming.

Some time in the next two weeks, the House Subcommittee on
Energy and the Environment is expected to mark up and vote on
landmark global warming legislation. According to our political
experts this Subcommittee bill will set the tone for the entire
debate that follows in both Houses of Congress.

In short, whether or not an effective global warming bill lands
on President Obama's desk in 2009 may depend on the actions of
34 subcommittee members over the next week or two.

The opposition may be morally bankrupt, but their political
coffers are overflowing. Global warming deniers are spending
hundreds of millions on lobbying and advertising aimed at
confusing the public and scaring legislators.

More than 2,000 top corporate lobbyists are on Capitol Hill
doing whatever it takes to stop global warming action.

What do we have? The truth. And you.

If you haven't already, please send an email to your House
Representative today.

Then, please forward this action link to 5 friends to get them
to take action: http://action.edf.org/ct/Fd_dLn91341H/

For friends who still doubt the science of global warming, send
them to the New York Times article:
http://action.edf.org/ct/F7_dLn91341G/. Tell them that not
even the highly paid lobbyists opposed to global warming action
doubt the science.

You are our best hope to take on the industry denial machine.

Thanks for your activism and support,
Sam Parry
Director, Online Membership and Activism

P.S. What happens in the next two weeks will determine the
future of climate action this year. It has never been a more
critical time. Your support is urgently needed right now.

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