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For me it is All About Being of Service & Living the Life of the Give-Away....

Being Mindful of those who are unable to speak for themselves; our Non-Two Legged Relations and the Future Generations.

It's about walking on the Canka Luta Waste Behind the Cannunpa and the ceremonies.

It's about Mindfulness and Respect. It's about Honesty and owning up to my foibles.

It's about: Mi Takuye Oyacin

Monday, June 1, 2009

Speaking With Our Heart: E;ders' Meditation: March 3, 2009

Elders' Meditation for March 03, 2009 magnify
".the voice and the heart are not working together."
--Barney Bush, SHAWNEE
We can say any words we want with our voice but we cannot hide the true meaning and the true spirit behind the words. The true meaning is always understood. The voice is heard in the physical world, but the meaning is transmitted in the spiritual world. if our voice says one thing but the heart is saying something else, it's the something else that is heard. It is said that the truth will set you free. Reaching the truth means your voice and your words will be in alignment with the heart.
Great Spirit, let my tongue, speak the truth today.

It's amazing how true this is in everyday life...there are so many people who are "nice and smiling" when they talk to you, but you know they have ulterior motives.... It's like working with a pack of hyenas.

Then there are those, who can not even say what is in their hearts...they can't talk about matters of the heart...they hide in silence, they suffer in silence, and they allow love to pass them by.

We have to be open hearted, we have to come from love..we have to remember we are all interconnected. When we hide our love, when we hide our hearts, not only do we ourselves suffer, but so does everyone we come in contact with and the people they come in contact with...and so on...it's a chain....

This is something I am working on, because when I "see" peoples motives (and I do), I try and protect myself by closing my heart...and in the end I hurt myself.

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